We live in a world where billions of people exist together
and have the advantage of technology to be connected and learn anything they
want by the click of a button. The diversity of religion, race, gender, culture
etc. are things that are bound to be different from person to person that you
meet. Now is the time to embrace this diversity.
. Within our richly diverse and multi-cultural society we
need to be able to provide support, respond appropriately and sensitively to,
and manage issues relating to gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion and
sexuality. The trouble arises when we are not spreading love or understanding
for people in our own neighborhoods who are different from us. They might be of
different backgrounds, identities or faiths. Practicing love and understanding
should be a norm for everyone.
The human race is extraordinarily diverse in so many ways. Yet,
at a basic level, we are all of the same human species. We experience highs and
lows in life and strive to be happy and fulfilled. Our common pains and joys
are what bring us together, but our diversity makes us unique. It is what deems
you or I our own special person, one who has never existed and will never exist
Compassion refers to the love for and desire to help all people.
Only through compassion can we find lasting joy. Compassion allows us to walk
down the street and see only the faces of our brothers and sisters, of other
humans living the same life as us.
Compassion allows us to realize our role in something much
larger than ourselves. It allows us to forget our selfish desires and to strive
to better the lives of the less fortunate. Truly caring for others fills us
with purpose and peace.
Conversely, when our minds are polluted by prejudice, we
pick out and focus on differences. We unknowingly waste much of our time
criticizing and disliking others. This intolerance within us causes anger and
resentment. Hostility towards others eventually leaves us cold, calloused, and
bitter. It causes us to become self-absorbed, caught up in our own struggles
and fears.
When you encounter anyone, try to imagine, understand, and
sympathize with that person’s story, with everything that has made them who
they are. Meditate upon embracing other people, with all of the diversity that
comes with them. Don’t allow yourself to define a person based upon one stereotype
about one aspect of their complex identity.
Understanding and accepting people from all walks of life is
key to finding peace in our lives. But beyond that, it is of the utmost
importance to making the world a place where all can live freely and without
fear. So practice empathy, don’t be quick to judge, and envision life in
another’s shoes before you treat them unfairly.
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