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    Monday, 27 February 2017

    Love Culture #17 Love Never Fails

    “Whatever is founded in love, has its essence in eternity.” Noeline Kirabo

    Love is the magical four letter word that we use often times with little or no consideration of the impact it has. Someone said love is a good feeling while another school of though argues that love is a choice. Whichever way you choose to look at it, the truth is that love never fails.

    Probably you’re thinking about the hurt and pain that you endured after loving someone so much and you definitely don’t think there is anything such as true love, leave alone lasting love. Human beings are not perfect and they are bound to hurt you but there is a love that never fades or wear off.

    The good book says we have been loved with an everlasting love. The true experience of love begins with a relationship with your maker. The one who formed you in his image loves you more than you could ever fathom. His love is unconditional and everlasting. The kind of love that is beyond understanding.

    When we experience that kind of love, then we are able to love others in the same way that we have experienced love. We are only able to love others in the way we have received and perceived love. True love endures all things, forgives all things and holds no record of wrong done.

    Many things come and go but love never fails. True transformation and impact begins when we choose to love people beyond their imperfection. Choosing to see people for who they are and not what they have done. The epitome of love is when you choose to embrace someone who seemingly doesn’t deserve your love (humanly speaking).

    Love culture is not what you can do with your own strength but rather what love can do through you as you yield yourself to its power. The world around us is void of love and that single expression of unconditional love can heal, transform and restore lives. Every human being is created in the image of God, has the dignity of God and is worth loving.

    Look around you and you will soon notice that there is no single person or living being that is immune to the power of love. Even animals and plants respond to love. We are created with a deep need to be loved and accepted. The void of which can drive people to extremes just so they can fill that emptiness. Everything comes alive with a touch of love.

    Whatever you have tried and failed, try again with a touch of love. Whether it is a job, relationship, career, business deal or innovation, whatever is infused with love is bound to succeed because love never fails. Love is pure, gentle, kind, peaceful, patient, faithful, humble and so many other things. These ingredients are the key to success in anything that you set out to do. Add a touch of love to everything yo do and everything you do will blossom and come alive. Love is the spice of life.

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