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    Wednesday, 11 April 2018

    Millionaire Mindset Series 23: Systematize Your Businesses

    Most business owners have a desire to expand from a one-person show to a fully established institution. But for that to happen, the person at the center of it all has to be able to step away and know things will run smoothly. Decision-making can’t be totally dependent on one person, as that person may not always be in the capacity to make the best decisions.

    In other words, there must be systems that allow others to execute tasks, independently, by following documented procedures. This is what we call systematization, a long word that means leaving behind the one-person band, and creating a well-oiled machine of a business that can run and scale on its own.

    Systematizing is the process of creating standard operating procedures or policies that are tailor made for your business, to ensure smooth operations, orderliness and productivity. You get to seize upon your business’s strengths and find continuous success by replicating those procedures that work best.

    Systematizing gives your business quality and consistency as your laid down procedures build a routine for employees to replicate the same quality service by replicating the same actions. You don’t have to worry about a drop in the quality of service delivery, which leads to client dissatisfaction.

    It enables you to document a step-by-step procedure for getting things done and aligns the various aspects of your work to create an easy flow. As every aspect of your business contributes to the overall success, you can create a kind of clockwork relationship between the different components and then monitor the performance of each element.

    Start this process by making a list of all your systems. Go through your list and ask yourself these questions for every item: Why is this system in place? What problem(s) does it solve? For a system to be effective, it must solve a problem, otherwise, it is irrelevant. When every system is an answer to a question, you are bound to have positive results.

    Identify primary tasks that must be done before the secondary ones, to achieve good results. It is important to note that for things to be perfect, every task counts. The primary tasks must be properly executed, otherwise, they will affect the quality of the secondary ones due to their shaky foundation.

    The idea is for you to give your employees a step-by-step guide of what to do and how to do it, in your absence. You need to create an instructional document that an employee can understand and interpret with little or no supervision, from the get go.

    Write your procedures with action, using a “how-to” format. Don’t just tell employees what you want them to do, show them how to do it. To achieve better results, make do with more visuals than texts because they are easier to understand and last longer in the minds of employees. When it comes to the big questions of how to scale your business, systematization has a lot of the answers.

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