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    Friday 14 July 2017

    How To Start An Organisation From Scratch # 1 Envision The World

    The year was 2011 when a friend challenged me to think about the legacy I wanted to build. It had never occurred to me that same day I shall be a passing memory unless I lived my life intentionally. I began to ponder about what legacy I wanted to build and aligning that with my passions.

    Typically I never set out to start an organization but later realized an organization would provide the formal structure for the impact I wanted to have on the world and my generation. I was desperate to live my mark on the world, I wanted to leave the world much better than I had found it.

    Before you consider starting an organization, envision the world. Consider how the world would be a better place as a result of you starting your organization. There are many noble organizations and the only way to be dusting is by solving a problem that no one is already solving.

    An Organization or business must solve a real time problem for it to be relevant to it's beneficiaries. Start by envisioning the world you want to create, the societal challenges you want to solve and the people you feel called to impact. Only Jesus can save the world so the more specific you are the better.

    Your vision must be big enough to take you a life time to accomplish it. As a matter of fact if your vision doesn't scare you then it's not big enough. One of the major pitfalls for people starting organisations is to assume that they can save the world or to settle for micro visions that can't stand the test of time. Envision what your organization will look like 20, 30, 50 and 100 years from conception.

    Last year one of my mentors asked me what I envisioned my organization to be like 100 years from now and the truth is that I had never envisioned that far. The more thought I put into it, the broader my perspective of the world became. I became intentional about setting up structure's that nurture the big picture of the organization.

    The longer you can project into the future, the clearer your vision will be. Look beyond the current need and pressure to project what the trends for the future will be like. Think broader than what everyone else is doing to be able to start an organization that withstand the test of time.

    1 comment:

    1. Wooooow great one, having a vision that scares you and envisioning it to 100years.Hadnt considered this before. Thanks Noeline



