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    Tuesday 17 January 2017

    Starting Strong # 11 Develop a master mind team

    Every visionary needs a master mind team. A group of people that bear the same passion and have the necessary competency as well as skills set to streamline a given idea with the intention of maximizing returns. Your master mind team comprise of at least three other people other than yourself. It should be a team that you regularly meet with to challenge and sharpen each other unto greatness and excellence.

    Choosing a master mind team should be done with thorough reflection and consciousness. Knowing that the people you open up your life to have the power to influence your attitude, vision and scope of influence. Every visionary Will need insight, clarification and sometimes motivation to keep pressing on; this should be drawn from ones master mind team.

    In choosing a master mind team consider the skills set that you need and match them with the people that you're choosing. Consider also their competencies, expertise, availability and accessibility. Make it a point to consider people with whom you have a personal relationships so you can easily build on your friendship.

    If you have the intention to go far with your vision, invest time and resources and developing a master mind team.

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