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    Saturday, 23 August 2014

    When The Music Fades

    I listened to a very lovely and soothing song that kind of just lingered on my mind and heart long after it had ended. It set me in a thoughtful and reflective mood that I had not enjoyed in a while for one reason or another. It was a beautiful feeling and I felt like I should stay there for as long as I could. Suddenly light was shade on the shadows of my thoughts and I could see clearly what the last couple of weeks had meant for me and the people that I was working with.
    In a fast paced world, it is so easy to get caught up in the race against time and deadline that we soon forget the real things that matter in life. Last couples of weeks have felt like a roller coaster ride with all kinds of deadlines and targets to meet in such a short time. After a couple of days, my mind and body adjusted to the new rush lifestyle and I must say that I did well within the confinements of that schedule and environment. When all is said and done, it boils down to the fact whether it was all worth it and whose life did my efforts really impact? It is a question that has lingered on my mind, the last couple of days and fortunately I can answer it with a smile and a sense of fulfillment.
    Life in the twenty first century is like a rush hour and a constant race against the normal pace and tides of life. We soon get caught up with this new artificial tide and if we do not stop occasionally to reflect, we can easily get lost in our daily schedules and activities. The discipline of meditation and solitude is quickly fading out among the young generations. As a matter of fact, many young people will admit to the fact they have a problem sitting still by themselves and just connecting with their inner self. It is a discipline that many generations and legends that have gone before us enjoyed.
    As I sat by myself lost in my thoughts, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place and greater light was shed on the big picture that I have been trying to grasp for a while. Life is beautiful when we make the time to stop and simply appreciate the little things that make a huge difference. Just to be able to listen to the birds sing outside the window or the soft sound of the wind blowing in a tree above you. How soothing and refreshing it is to be able to connect with nature and all the living things around life, to feel in unison with the universe and resonate with the positiveness that it emits.
    A while ago, I used to be addicted to my ipod and worked hard at beating myself out of that habit. I had slipped into a place where loud was normal and silence was abnormal. When I finally broke that habit, I discovered the joy of solitude and just being able to retreat within myself for the truth and answers that I so often seek from without. I must say the quality of my life drastically improved and I discovered a new sense of completeness. A sense of completeness that comes from simply being without having to cloud myself out or hide behind a song or someone else’s voice.
    Unless we quieten the noises in our lives, we will not be able to hear the voice of our inner man and be able to connect with who we are. When the music faded, then the inner voice becomes more and more audible and soon it becomes the inner compass that governs the course and chart of our lives. A true sense of fulfillment does not come from external achievements but rather from being able to align our inner voice to the things that we do and resting in the assurance that we are fulfilling our life purpose. The interesting thing is that we soon discover a new type of music, and that is the rhythm of our lives embedded in the wisdom of the divine.

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